Zehnders' Holz Brucke

This unique covered bridge was completed in 1980 across the Cass River using 19th century building techniques. At 239' long, it was the combined dream of the Zehnder brothers to accommodate the overflow parking for their famous restaurant. As one crosses the bridge, they approach the Bavarian Inn.

Zehnders' Holz Brucke
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Original Oil available $$650
Available Editions:
Prints 9"x12"$32 + Shipping
Giclee' 5"x7"$25 + Shipping (unframed)
Giclee' 11"x14"$50 + Shipping
Giclee' 12"x16"$55 + Shipping
Giclee' 14"x18"$65 + Shipping
Giclee' 16"x20"$75 + Shipping
Giclee' 20"x24"$90 + Shipping
Custom Sizes Available
Stretched Canvas Retouch Available